AdviseTree OÜ is a limited liability company established and operating under the laws of the Republic of Estonia. These personal data protection terms have been prepared to protect the privacy of current, future, and former clients of AdviseTree OÜ (hereinafter referred to as AdviseTree).
Based on this, we establish principles for collecting, using, disclosing, transferring, and storing client data. Our activities are conducted in compliance with all applicable European Union regulations and the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
Your privacy and the security of your personal information are very important to us.
1. Definitions
1.1. Client — any natural or legal person who uses, has used, or has expressed a desire to use the services of AdviseTree, or any person otherwise associated with them.
1.2. Client’s Personal Data — any information known to AdviseTree about the client or their representatives, regardless of the form in which such data is presented. Personal data includes information such as the client’s name, gender, age, personal identification number, email address, residential address, phone number, and banking details.
1.3. Processing — any action performed on data by automated or non-automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, modification, querying, use, combination, restriction, deletion, or destruction.
1.4. Data Controller — any natural or legal person who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing client data. In this document, the Data Controller is AdviseTree.
1.5. Authorized Processor — any natural or legal person that processes the client’s data on behalf of the Data Controller.
1.6. Data Protection Legislation — all data protection laws and regulations that AdviseTree is obligated to follow, including the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and national legal acts implementing this regulation.
1.7. Online Resources owned by AdviseTree, the use of which is regulated by this document:
2. General Provisions
2.1 These principles describe how AdviseTree processes client data. Additional terms for processing client data may also be outlined in agreements, other service-related documents, and on the online resources specified in section 1.7 of this document.
2.2 In compliance with the legal and regulatory acts governing data protection, AdviseTree ensures the confidentiality of client data and applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect client data from unauthorized access, unlawful processing or disclosure, accidental loss, alteration, or destruction.
2.3 For the processing of client data, AdviseTree may engage authorized processors. In such cases, AdviseTree ensures that client data is processed by the processors in accordance with the instructions of AdviseTree, in compliance with the legal and regulatory acts governing data protection, and with the application of security measures that meet the relevant requirements.
3. Categories of Client Data
3.1 AdviseTree processes the following types of client data:
First name, last name, personal identification number, date of birth, identity document details (e.g., a copy of a passport or ID card), mailing address, phone number, email address, age, child’s first and last name, and child’s age.
3.2 Data about a child is processed only with the consent of the parent and is provided directly by the parents themselves.
4. Principles of Processing
4.1 Processing is lawful, fair, and transparent for the Client;
4.2 Personal data is collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and is not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes;
4.3 Personal data is relevant and used solely for the purposes for which it is processed;
4.4 Personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, and all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that inaccurate personal data, with regard to the purposes of processing, is erased or rectified without delay;
4.5 Personal data is stored in a form that permits the identification of the Client only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which the personal data is processed;
4.6 Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing, as well as against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.
5. Purposes of Processing
5.1 AdviseTree processes the Client’s personal data to fulfill a contract, based on a legitimate interest, or to comply with a legal obligation. AdviseTree processes personal data voluntarily provided by the Client and confirmed with the Client’s consent.
6. Client Rights
Under the data protection laws, the client has the following rights:
6.1 To request the correction of their data if it is incomplete, inaccurate, or contains inconsistencies;
6.2 To object to the processing of their personal data if the use of personal data is based on legitimate interests, including profiling for direct marketing purposes (e.g., receiving marketing offers or participating in surveys);
6.3 To request the deletion of their personal data, for example, if the data is processed based on the client’s consent and the client withdraws their consent. This right does not apply if the data requested for deletion is also processed based on another legal ground, such as a contract or for the fulfillment of legal obligations;
6.4 To restrict the processing of their personal data;
6.5 To obtain information about whether AdviseTree processes their personal data and, if so, to gain access to such data;
6.6 To receive their personal data, provided by them and processed based on consent or for the fulfillment of a contract, in written form or in one of the most commonly used electronic formats, and, if technically feasible, to transfer such data to other service providers (data portability);
6.7 To withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data;
7. Your Consent
7.1 By using the online resources specified in section 1.7, you agree to our privacy policy and the terms of processing your personal data.
7.2 By providing us with your data, you consent to our privacy policy and the terms of processing your personal data as described in this document.
7.3 If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you can contact us using the information provided below.
8. Contact Information
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:
Phone: +372 50 74 017